Yes! I haven't been on for awhile! Thats because I've been gaming it out on minish cap. I'm in the middle of the wind temple (If thats what you want to call it) and yes, when I was little, I got past the fire temple. So yup! And here is a practical walkthrough by ME (Crappy, small):
Castor Wilds is a pain. So go around, shooting arrows and defeating the statues. To defeat them, after they start following you, Shoot at their eye three times to defeat them! (I had trouble at first, I wasn't looking at how to defeat them so I almost died -_-" ) So go and explore collecting three golden kinstones (I forget where they are, caves?) And go to the big rock/tombstone on the map. Push it up, and enter. Get the piece of heart! You have to get all the scrolls to get this guy's scroll. So don`t bother, its a waste of time.
Now go to the 3 statues and trade the golden kinstones. This opens the path to the wind temple.
Ok, now I`ll explain how to get IN! So defeat that knight thing. The only way to fight them is to turn mini and flick the switches in them. That will turn them on, and a light on the outside. (The first one you fight is on, check for the light!) So turn mini and defeat the rest! Keep going and ignore those statue, pole thingys. You will enter the temple in a cliff. Ezlo will talk to you about the cliff. And there you go! You got past castor and got into the wind temple! Go brag!
So there you go, I hope it helped. TTYL!
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